Caroline Golmic's interest in natural health began with her husband’s healing journey. He was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in 1997 and was on dozens of medications for nearly two decades. After working with a naturopath and committing to radical life change, Scott is now five years symptom-free and drug-free.

Inspired to help others on their healing journey, Caroline opened Terrain Natural Health. Over the last 18 months, Caroline has conducted 500+ consultations and witnessed many healing testimonies.

Her passion is education, as true health freedom comes with understanding how we were designed. The key phrase that you will hear from Caroline is “you are well made”.

Caroline completed her CNHP (Certified Natural Health Professional) and CHHP (Certified Holistic Health Professional) certification through Trinity School of Natural Health.

Caroline continues to pursue formal education so she can expand her understanding of our comprehensive health - physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

If you are ready to take steps toward healing, schedule with Caroline today.